12 December 2019

More painting

I had plastered my wall two weeks ago and the wall wasn't painted yet! Not fully, anyway. The week after I had only managed one coat. It needs two! And the woodwork hadn't had any paint at all (except the cupboard door). But then another weekend appeared. And I gave that wall a second coat! And when that was on, I could take off the masking tape that protected the woodwork. Next step: said woodwork! I think the frame of the cupboard needs a base coat first. But the first thing I did was the hatch to the loft. I want that to be sorted before it gets even colder! Painting it, after all, is best done when it's not in position, and that means a big hole in the insulation. I will need several weekends more to finish this, but some progress has again been made!

Second coat on! And masking tape removed. 

The hatch is painted

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