03 February 2023

Meeting with students with high similarity scores

I have done quite some moaning about my new task as the academic integrity officer of SOS on here. But there are good sides about it! I always invite the students involved to come and have a chat. In some cases, you don’t give them the choice; they need a good talking to, but such cases are rare. More likely you get a student who made poor decisions under time pressure and under stress, and then genuinely pops by in order to talk through how to deal with situations like that a bit better. And that is actually quite nice! I have seen a lot more students than I expected I would, and that is with not all of them accepting the invitation. And as well; we have been getting cohorts of some 200 students in recent years; you can’t know all of them. And me teaching on the physical side results in me generally knowing way fewer than half. But once they step into my office to have a chat about avoiding academic poor practice, they become people with a face to the name! And although the administrative side of this task is undeniably dull, the personal interaction that comes with it makes up for that…

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