04 February 2023

Bridge reopened!

The bridge had been closed for anything other than pedestrians and dismounted cyclists for months, and the work to repair it had only just started. But then, suddenly, an article appeared in the local press saying it would reopen! I struggled a bit to believe it. I know the council (or whoever it is that makes such decisions) wouldn't go to the press if they weren’t certain of themselves, but it seemed so difficult to imagine! But I cross that bridge petty much every weekday so I was going to empirically find out. And it indeed was open!

I expected it to only be one lane, so workers could plough on with the repair works from the other lane. But both lanes were open! It was nice to not have to turn yourself into a pedestrian to cross the Strait. And I think some of my driving colleagues were really happy that this bridge was open to them again. I'm not sure how long it will take for the actual repair work to be finished, but it is nice to have this bridge in use again! It's only still a pain in the bum for people using the bus, as there are weight restrictions on the bridge, and the bus is too heavy. It will still have to go around over the other bridge. But I expect that traffic jams on the other bridge will be significantly reduced now that this bridge is open again! Everybody wins!

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