12 April 2011

Heat training

It's spring and I'm scared. It's only early April and it's already way too hot for my liking! Fortunately, my office is never hot, and with a bit of luck the air conditioning in the lab will not give up this summer. But sometimes even I venture out, above the surface, and that will get more and more perilous. And one occasion specifically could turn nasty: the half marathon on May the 29th...

Last Sunday I had already been boiled while waiting for Neil and his brother, but I decided to have a run myself afterwards anyway. I will have to be ready for a run in the heat! So in the relentless sun I ran up and down a few Tors. And was properly overheated at the end of it. But I survived! I hope that is good news for next month...

The good thing about running cross country: streams! 

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