22 June 2023

Finally planting the vegetables out

It seems ages ago that I sowed vegetables in my conservatory. Ideally, I place them outside quite quickly. But with this drought I didn't. I would have had to water them daily, and that is logistically easier if they are just in the conservatory. But when the drought was finally about to break (a bit more thoroughly than the first time), I did plant them outside! And now nature will have to take care of them.

From indoor vegetables 

to outdoor vegetables 

I hope things will go okay in my vegetable patch! I have planted some of the vegetables in among oregano, as aromatic herbs seem to keep the slugs away. Let's see how well that works! And let's hope that after the initial damp period, the weather will not immediately go back to the next drought, which will kill them off after all. We'll see! 

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