27 September 2021

Using the entire office

I have had a desk for doing some work at home since forever. And when I was expected to suddenly work from home because of covid, it became my default desk. I am glad that it had been replaced by my university desk months later, but the desk was still there. The office is big enough for two! And I had made sure I had a reasonable office chair.

When we were done with the fieldwork, we had the notebooks of the students to mark. I was the person to start this process. Normally we don't mark anything on paper anymore; everything is online. But this isn't! And my university desk is full of computer paraphernalia, so for the first time in a long time I settled down at my old desk for some serious marking. It was all right! I actually quite like marking on paper. And I brought my ghetto blaster up to make the work more pleasant. That desk is not in use very often, but it is not in the way either, and for opportunities like this it is really pleasant to still have it!

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