16 July 2024

New vet

My cat really hates going to the vet! And that's the only place I take her. I think she just really really hates being transported anywhere in her travelling basket. She does sometimes try to slink away from the vet, but what she really really doesn't like is being put in the basket, and then the journey there.

I had just kept her registered at the vets she already had been registered at when she was with Guy and Kate. But that is in Caernarfon, 11 miles away, and there is a vet a lot closer by: only 2.5 miles. I had decided a while ago I should transfer her, but I hadn't gotten around to it. But now I decided I should get my act together and do it.

When I was at it anyway, I also completed the transfer of her chip to my details. I hadn't quite managed that the previous time! And I also made sure her chip details agreed with her insurance details.

The vet said that they wanted to see her for a general health check. She was also due her worm medication. So they booked her in.

She wasn't suspecting anything, so it was fairly easy to put her in the basket. And then the usual heartbreaking scenes developed! She was meowing pitifully in the back of the car, but this time, she only had to be in it for a very short time!

Her least favourite location 

When we got there there was a complication; it turned out that the person I had phoned had accidentally booked her into a different branch of the same veterinary practice. And the location was just what I had come for! But they were flexible about it, and said that they would sort of squeeze me in. And I only had to wait 20 minutes for that. And given that the travel basket wasn’t moving anymore, the cat was quite happy. She didn't care there occasionally were big dogs in the waiting room; she just settled in her basket and was even purring quietly.

When it was our turn the vet weighed her, and even though she looks slim, I found out she is practically 5 kg at the moment! That's quite a lot. But otherwise the vet decided she was healthy. And she (the cat, that is) was also quite cooperative.

At the desk I picked up her wormer, and then we were good to go. Only 2.5 miles to get home! This really was an improvement! And if I ever need to pick up medication for her, I can just do it on bicycle. It's not that far off my route to work. Another advantage. I think this was a good move!

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