01 July 2024

Re-reading Un Nos Olau Leuad

Before I had the faintest idea I would ever live in Bethesda I had read this book, which is by many considered to be the best book written in Welsh ever, and it’s both set in the town, and written by a man who was from there. I didn't really recognise any of the places mentioned in the book. It is cleared at a lot of places are not referred to as modern inhabitants do. Back in the early 20th century, the A5 was not known as the A5, for instance! 

Moving to Bethesda I became more curious where everything would have taken place, but I didn't really act on that curiosity. Until I saw advertised a guided walk in the area in the theme of the book. It would both involve locations that had been important in the life of the writer, and locations that feature in the book. That sounded enlightening! I signed up.

That meant that now I needed to really quickly reread the book. I wanted to have it fresh in my memory when I would join the tour!

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