09 July 2024

Election results

I didn't want to count my chickens before they were hatched. All the polls suggested a big Labour win, but the polls aren't always right. I decided I would only get cheerful, or otherwise, when the results were in.

I woke up on the day after the elections at about 6 am. The cat was running through the bedroom, meowing. Maybe she was excited about the elections as well. I decided I might as well decide the day had started, and I switched on the radio. And the massive Labour win had indeed materialised! And no Tory seats at all in all of Wales! What a lovely way to wake up. 

From the BBC website 

I also checked the results for my own constituency. It was a new constituency; we had been Arfon, with a Plaid Cymru MP, but now we were Bangor Aberconwy, which includes places like Conwy and Llandudno, so was much more wealthy and English. When the constituency lines were redrawn by the Tories, they had probably figured that that would be enough to swing that entire constituency to Tory. But were they right? 

You couldn't expect the radio to give the results for every constituency, so I checked that online. We were Labour! I was a bit surprised; I had only seen placards for Plaid Cymru, and not really bothered with checking the predictions. Where I had seen my placards are not the most densely populated parts of the constituency. So it hadn't been representative. But I am happy with a Labour MP. Let's hope she does well!

My constituency indicated by the arrow

It was quite satisfying to follow the news that day. Lots of big names in the Conservative Party had lost their seats. The liberal democrats had bounced back. And the Greens had more MPs than ever before! And Reform had fortunately not done all too well.

It was a good way to wake up! And a good way to end the week. And I hope the next five years will be quite satisfying. Labour has been deeply disappointing during the campaign (although you could ask: what campaign?) but the proof of the pudding is, obviously, in the eating. So we'll see! At least I couldn't have hoped for better election results!

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