30 March 2024

Relaxing after Athena Swan

The first thing I did after I finished the Athena Swan work was check on my master student. I hadn't been able to give her a lot of time recently. But after that, I wanted to go home at a reasonable time. I had been making crazy working hours recently!

My first mission was to ride home via an alternative route. The semi-final of the cake competition is imminent, and I wanted to buy an ingredients that you can't buy in my village, and that also didn't seem to be stocked by the supermarket in Menai Bridge. But Bangor has several big supermarkets. I could just bike to the nearest one, and if unsuccessful, continued to the next one, and if unsuccessful, try the very biggest one. If that wouldn't work, I would know I had no option other than buy it online.

You guessed it; none of the supermarkets had my mystery ingredient. And finding that out led to a commute that was only 5 km longer than the usual 24 km (both ways) but took me over a road less travelled. 

View on the unusual part of my commute 

I had also been convinced that there was another working day before the Easter break, but I found out around coffee time that that wasn't the case. I didn't complain! I could use a break.

The next morning I knew I didn't have to go to work. It was great! To my surprise, it did involve having breakfast looking out over the snowy garden. I didn't think we would get any more snow this year! But I was clearly wrong. And it was going to stay sunny for a while, so I went for a nice relaxed 10k run before lunch. It was glorious weather.

The view during breakfast 

It's nice to be able to blog about something that has pretty pictures again! It's been a bit text-heavy recently…

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