10 June 2024

Socrates op Sneakers

I got through another book! This one was another one I had been given by Roelof. My whole reading started pretty much with Sapiens, which he had also given me. And in between I had read Summertime, which was a book he had lent me.

This book is not a novel; this is a book about asking better questions. I don't think you are intended to read it like a novel, but I did that anyway.

The reader says it can be very useful and entertaining to ask questions beyond what one normally does. Both the type of questions and the approach to them. In the first category you would have questions such as ‘is it ever ok to lie to friends’. In the second category you could start with some normative comment someone makes, such as ‘person X is such a good parent’, and then keep asking questions in order to find out what the people in the discussion think a good parent is, and why exactly. That sort of stuff! 

I like things like this, but I’m not quite sure I’m in the right country for it. I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. But maybe this book can help me open it again, in a way that is societally acceptable. It does go into how to not piss off the people you are asking these questions. Although it also discusses why annoyance can be the sign you’re onto something! 

I think my first opportunity to put this to practice will be a walk with the Kates that’s coming up. The Kates are not very English in their communications. And then later the Finland trip with my sister. I’ll try out my new skills! 

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