03 June 2024

Family reunion 2024

I had been a bit nervous about this year's family reunion. My cousin Femke and me were organising it, and we had left quite a lot to both the last minute and the weather. And I had no local knowledge! We would do the reunion in the botanical gardens of Utrecht University. I had been at least once, but that didn’t mean I had a clear idea of what it was like there. Especially as that had been decades ago. But fortunately, Femke lives down there, and she could do recces.

She said we could all meet by the entrance of the botanical gardens, and she had also scouted a row of picnic tables that was big enough for the entire family. Good work! 

After the gardens we would just have takeaway at her place, but at the last minute she had had second thoughts about that. It’s a lot of people in a normal-sized place! I couldn’t find an alternative. But with help of her daughter, she did herself. An Italian restaurant turned out to have space for us at short notice. 

On the day I took my bag and went to Utrecht. I got there in no time. It’s not far! I was being a tourist though, and I forgot to check out of the bus I took. Oh dear. But then I greeted my cousin on the doorstep. It was nice to see where she lived! Right on the Kromme Rijn. 

She had gathered loads of flasks and was filling them up with coffee. And together we popped to the shop for cake and accoutrements to go with the coffee. Then we loaded everything into the car. The kids had to go by bike! And we made it with not much time to spare. We lugged all our heavy bags to the designated tables, and then I went back to the entrance to catch relatives, and send them off in the right direction. 

Soon we had loads of people! Many people had managed to make it. But there was enough space and enough coffee (I think) and enough cake. It was starting well! 

Cake in the greenery

We had plenty of time to mingle. We spanned 3 generations, 81 years, and ten households. It was good to see everyone! 

At some point it started to look like rain. We packed up and went back to the entrance. We knew there were greenhouses somewhere there too. These have roofs! And at the entrance, there were parasols as well. We really needed some shelter as a violent thunderstorm passed over. 

We also had a tour booked. We got two chaps for that. I missed the start for reasons of having sought shelter in a greenhouse, but that’s ok. The rain stopped and we went to look at medicinal plants, biblical plants, poisonous plants, and whatnot. The men loved their plants! And then we went to the evolution garden, which wasn’t yet officially open. And my niece had only just been there, so she did the introduction! That was cool. 

In the evolution garden

I loved the evolution garden. And then the tour was over. We asked our guides to take a group picture, which they duly did, and then we just had time for one more drink before we would have to go to the restaurant. Some people with long drives home scooted off. 

Group picture

There was a complication. That night, FC Utrecht would play a match in the stadium between my cousin’s house and the botanical gardens. It seemed to be an important match. The roads were clogged, and there was no parking space anywhere! That complicated things. We were late for the restaurant. But that was OK; all of Utrecht was in the stadium anyway, so they didn’t need these tables back too sharpish. And the food was good! 


After that we all went our own way. I went to Ermelo with my dad. I think it had been a good day! Everyone had enough time to catch up. It only rained horrendously for a short while. The gardens were lovely. I think all age groups enjoyed themselves. Success!

Next year we’ll do it in Zuid-Limburg againin Zuid-Limburg again, with my uncle Karel and his wife Gerry hosting. It’s a bit out of the way, but I'm already look forward to it! 

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