30 June 2024

Last Tuesday Evening fell race

I had done two of the series, in Penmaenmawr and in Nant Peris (#4 and #5 of the series), but then I had a long break. There was one race that went up and down such a steep hill (y Garn near Rhydd Du) I didn’t fancy it. Uphill maybe, but not downhill! 

Then I hurt my knees in a road race, and the next race was too far away for me. Then I travelled to the Netherlands. Three more races missed. When I got back  I was still sparing my knees. And then I went to Finland. So I missed most! But after Finland I could just catch the last race, in Llanberis. A short one. 

I registered, realised I had forgot to bring my £2 entry from the car, went back, and went to the start. There was no hurry! The juniors were racing first, so we didn’t start at the given time of 7 pm. But that’s ok.

At the start

Also at the start, looking the other way 

When we were ready to start we started up the road! Quite uncharacteristically. From the road we turned off onto a good track. And between that track and another road was a steep descent over a tiny path. I had to step aside a few time to let fast people past! 

Pretty views early on

At the top; byic by the organisation

Race with obstacles 

We ended with an uphill sprint in a field to the finish. It had been fun! And quite doable for rubbish fell runners. At the finish I chatted a bit with my colleague Ali, who tends to volunteer at these races. I was being a bit eaten by midges, and figured I had fed the insect population enough in Finland. So I went back to my bag, and then the car, and then home. 

I will sure register again next year! I am a crap fell runner, but this sure is fun. Maybe I will even get a bit less rubbish with more practice! And now the focus is on the Snowdonia Trail 10k and the Caernarfon half marathon…

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