28 September 2023

Term about to start

The start of term is an important threshold to cross.
Once you do, you have so much teaching in your timetable that you just roll from one thing to the next. And you keep rolling until Christmas. Before that, things seem a lot less hectic. And every year it is a bit daunting when term approaches! This year was no exception.

I had my website for the dissertation module ready very early; I always do that, as the students are encouraged to already engage with the module over summer. If they want to create their own topic, they can already start with that. But then they need to know what the module entails, and what we expect from a dissertation topic. The information on the website helps with that.

After that I had tried to get my other websites are ready. I think I managed! And now all the actual lectures and practical and field trips will start. I wasn't quite done by the Friday before the start of term. And on Saturday, my friend Kate would visit me. I managed to finish a few things on the Saturday before she came, and on the Sunday after she left again. I think I'll be okay! Let's hope this year goes well…

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