24 February 2022

Powerless while the world burns

It looks like we are in the early stages of a new war. And I am just going about my business. I suppose there are always wars going on; there is trouble in Myanmar, and in Ethiopia, and Syria, and probably several other places. I suppose what is happening in the Ukraine just feels closer than all the other wars, because it physically is. And I feel powerless. What am I going to do? I can hardly go there and stop Russian tanks. I don't think the UK government will care an awful lot about what I think of the whole thing. My MP is a decent bloke, so he would do what he can even without me or anybody else trying to pressure him into it.

I know that Greta Thunberg says that you're never too small to make a difference, and she has proven that that is true. I don't think I'm in her league, though. I don't know how to make a difference! I'll just worry. And continue with my life. As one does…

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