03 May 2024

Organising the family reunion (badly)

After the last family reunion (which I missed) I was asked to organise the next episode, together with my cousin Femke. Because of my foreign residency, I’ve never been involved in the organisation before. 

It will take place in the city where Femke lives. I suppose that meant that we really relied on her local knowledge, but I could do the communications. Whether someone fires emails from the middle of the Netherlands or from windswept Wales doesn't really matter!

Utrecht: the venue. Pic by Pepijntje

The big decision was done the last time we had a cousin meet-up: the date. We settled on a Sunday in May. And May is nigh! 

Femke and me discussed over WhatsApp. She had plenty of ideas. And then we had to choose. We weren’t as good at that as I would have hoped. I also think it didn’t help we both had very busy times; I had my two applications in spring, and she always has more jobs and courses and children and whatnot than seem to fit in a person’s life. 

We’ll have to get our arses in gear now! But I trust we’ll pull it off in the end. I suppose that’s probably how we live our lives! Uncertain how we will fit everything in, but making it alright on the night…

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