22 September 2023

20 mph

It had been in the news for a while! Wales would get a lot of 20 mph speed limits. And I had understood that most 30 mph limits would be lowered to 20 mph. I figured it would be a good idea; lower speeds means fewer accidents. And of course it has its disadvantages; driving through towns goes slower, and cars don’t seem to be made for that sort of speed. But I'm sure they have thought about that.

And then the day came! So what has happened in my area? To be honest, I am glad they have not made the entire 30 mph zone in the town 20 mph. That only happens when are you reach the town proper, rather than the outskirts. And even then they’re being cautious.

Approaching town from the east

I was still getting used to it (I drove to work for reasons of the beach trip I’ll blog about next, and my bike being in the office), but it will soon be normal. And then let’s see if it shows up in accident statistics! 

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