As quick as he had driven me there he drove me away as well; his car has no bike rack so he had to take me back to my beloved means of transport. And I made my entrance yet again. This time through the back door, as this one opens to the place behind the house which to my eye is excellent bicycle storage. The house is situated at the rather sharp, but meandering border between a rather good and a slighly less soigne neighbourhood. Approaching the house from behind makes you feel the breath of the not so classy areas...

The alleyway behind the house

Yet once inside the atmosphere changes

Behind the square are classy pedestrian areas

I have been finding some things out about the house and its surroundings. The shower and the boiler are working. The toilet door has no lock. There is a bathtub. There are two big in-built cupboards that are excellent for containing stuff, of which I have lots. There is a whole bunch of second hand shops very nearby (in the direction of the not-so-good neighbourhood of course). And in the other direction there's a tool shop that's open on sundays. Yay!
Wow! Even the not-so-classy alley looks... ehm... interesting, to say the least. And the rest... Pretty Cool. You have done well-oh! You might enjoy living there.
That is precisely the plan!
Congratulations with your place! I hope it becomes home real soon, and it looks good indeed.
Lovely house and not least a lovely neighbourhood. Congratulations and good luck. The weather looks much better than in Tromsø!
Nice to see you're still reading Jesper! Perhaps it is slightly more accessible now. And thanks!
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