Not finding a Vaude dealer in Plymouth I contacted the manufacturer, who redirected me to a UK dealer. Who immediately after receiving the broken component sent an intact one back, at no cost! Lovely folks. Too bad it did not include the necessary bolts.
The open-on-sundays toolshop solved that problem. Almost. The bolts were too long! And I don't have my iron saw yet. But soon!
Another shop that was open on sunday was the bookshop, which also sold maps. Excellent! I had forgotten that I only had a map of Plymouth, and that's not the best place for sunday bikerides. So after my exploits in the hideous city centre I headed out, heavily armed with ordnance maps. Not yet with the bicycle bag, though. To Cornwall, was the idea. Close to my place there's a ferry. Unfortunately it was very low tide...

There was another ferry on the map, in deeper water, and that took me to Cornwall after all. And then a bikeride as expected followed. Charming villages, ancient churches, undulating fields. And enough hills to make me feel active. And a cream tea on the way, with a good book beside it, for the English cultural touch. And on the way back the water was high enough for taking the originally intended ferry back.

On the way I saw that the landscape is teeming with footpaths. I think the coastal path will beckon me soon!
1 comment:
Yeah... I remember Cornwall from when I was, like, 11 or something. Visited Dartmoore as well then. Was quite impressed at the time. And it still looks like a nice place for a walk... Enjoy!
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