Anyway. Saturday I was awake early. The sun was shining! Maria was also eager to enjoy such rare circumstance. So she proposed going to Dartmoor and having a stroll. Splendid! We phoned Shabnam, an Iranian PhD student of which I knew she was also considering such activities, grabbed the baby, and went. I was still missing Norway, but I had to admit that Dartmoor is not bad. I don't think Shabnam really noticed the landscape because she was completely absorbed by Rosa, but to each their own. It was a good afternoon! After a stroll we got ourselves a pasty in the sun, and did some more sightseeing.

Shabnam, Rosa and Maria

It was a day that completely confirmed my new English status of the responsible, calm, sensible woman. This time more family girl than scholar, but well, something with a calm stroll in pleasing weather, kindly smiling to all other venerable citizens going for a jolly walk. I should go buy a miss Marple dress. And we had crumpets for breakfast! The nordic hero in me is withering away. 

After the stroll things got more familiar, though: Veit invited me for a barbecue. That is an activity miss Marple would not quickly get engaged in I gather. But I was in for a bikeride, even though he turned out to live almost disappointingly close. And it was a good barbecue. Unfortunately characterised by what most of my social life so far is characterised by: people on the ominous brink of leaving. But nothwithstanding that blemish, and the unaccustomed homeliness of the earlier part of the day, it had been a good day.

Dave (Rolands PhD student), Veit, me, and Lauren (who is about to leave us for Exeter)
Totaal anders dan Noorwegen maar best fraai. En ben ik de enige die de fotoserie wat aan een Paashop doet denken?
Ik weet niet waarom, maar ik zie toch hoop voor de wereld in het algemeen als jij na practisch een halve dag in een nieuw land, met nieuwe mensen, toch alweer een group 'usual suspects' hebt gevonden om mee de kroeg in te gaan...
Ja het is wat Paashoppig inderdaad! En, ja eigenlijk wel he... maar het schijnt hier een hele gezellige groep te zijn. Vanavond moet ik weer, en morgen ook, als ik het overzicht nog heb!
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