09 October 2024

Bangor 10k 2024

I wasn't at all sure how my race would go! It was only a few weeks after having to run half the Caernarfon Half Marathon in knee supports, and a week after not running at all in the weekend (nor on Thursday) for reasons of a sore ankle. But I wanted to give it a go. Whatever was wrong with my ankle clearly wasn't particularly serious, and this race was one where I kept my 10k personal best, and where I also had won an actual medal last time. That was bronze; could I do it again? Or maybe even better than that? Worth the try, even if my ankle would hurt a bit the next day. 

Nick was coming with me. He noticed that as soon as I was in the start area I was starting to get race vibes. And I saw some acquaintances: Gilly from the club, my colleague Winnie, and Liberty, one of our students who had participated in the field trip recently. It was good to see them all! Gilly was also doing the 10k, but Winnie and Liberty were doing the half marathon, which starts at the same time.

I also wanted to go to the loo, and I thought I might be able to sneak into a university building, as the queue for the public loos was a bit long. But that didn't work. I only have out of hours access to Ocean Sciences buildings! It would've been a lot quicker to go straight into that queue. Oh well.

Then I lined up at the start. As has been my habit recently, I made sure to be somewhere near the front. Then you can start running at your own speed straight away, without being kept by the crowds. This time I didn't need it for keeping track of how many women there were in front of me as this race is an out and back; at the turning point you can check how many women there are in front of you.

I started off fairly fast, but sufficiently comfortable. And before I knew it I ran past the 1 km sign. And then the 2 km sign. This was going well! Sue we were on the bicycle bus. I know it is gently uphill. Once I would get to the turning point it would get easier. 

When I approached the turning point I started seeing runners coming the other way. But not even that many! And only one woman. She looked really fast. But when I myself then started running past everyone who came behind me I didn't spot a woman anytime soon. So it looked like I was in silver position, and would likely stay that way. Nice! That's better than bronze.

I made sure to keep my speed up, although it was clear I wasn't really challenged. Basically, all the way from the turning point to the finish, I couldn't see a runner neither in front of me nor behind me.

By MaesG, I spotted one of our students who had graduated this summer. I was sure she was there for Liberty! But she cheered for me as well. 

When I approached to finish, I first spotted a Cybi Strider I know from Welsh class who was enthusiastically cheering me on. And then I spotted Nick on the other side. I knew I had done well! I first greeted Nick, and only then thought to look at the time. It looked like I had done it within 43 minutes, so that would also be a personal best. Not bad! And my knees were fine, and my ankle was complaining a bit but not worryingly so.

I collected my finisher metal and T-shirt, and got a hug from the woman who had won gold. And when the third woman finished I sought her out to give her a hug as well. And then I just joined Nick to cheer on all the other runners. And drink some water. And update my Strava.

While we were there, the first half marathon runners were already coming in. The winner only needed 1:13:52! That is a cracking time. And I hoped they would do the prizegiving ceremony soon. I wanted to be back from that on time to cheer Winnie and Liberty on. And I didn't expect them until 1:45, but that was coming close now!

Luckily they announced the ceremony, and we got ready. At this race, this does not involve a podium. You are just called forward one by one to be given your prize. And I got called twice: once as second woman, and once as fastest woman over 45. I got two vouchers; one worth £50 and the other one £30, so I can enter two races for free. And I got two additional medals, and a jumper. And we cheered on everybody else, until they got to the male age categories, as I was nervous we would miss Winnie and Liberty. We went back to the finish. I was starting to worry we had already missed winnie, but then we saw Liberty approach. And shortly behind came Winnie! We had seen them both!

We went back to the finish area to see if we could find them, and we did. So we exchanged some sweaty hugs! But then it was time to go. 

At home I found the results; I had run 42:37, which is almost a full minute faster than my old PB. And I had come in 9th overall! Not bad for a race with 230 runners. And I had actually been the fastest person over 45, regardless of gender. So good results all around! I don't know if sacrificing a Thursday run had enabled me to do this, and I never will, but either way, the outcome was good…


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