I mentioned I had found a moss specialist at an event I attended. I had driven in, so I saw an opportunity. I asked if she was happy to try and identify the mosses on my car. And she was!
She brought out her hand lens and set to work. And she was impressed by the biodiversity. She thought she recognised four species! And she was a bit envious; she set her own car couldn't match that level of biodiversity.
I was hoping I would find out one day what species I would have! And now I do. She wasn't entirely certain of all of them, but this is the best I have. See below! All species identified. And having looked at pictures I am quite confident in the identifications of the two Bryum species. If anyone reads this blog thinks is anything wrong with this taxonomy, then shout!
Bryum capillare |
Bryum argenteum |
Brachythecium rutabulum |
Racomitrium fasciculare; notice a lichen in the background
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