03 October 2022

First week of term

After Welcome Week, things kick off properly! I was lecturing from the first day. And I must admit, I was a bit out of practice! And so was the IT system. We always record our lectures, but I just didn't manage to get the usual software to do the job. I did find a workaround, so it was okay, but I was glad I had 10 minutes to get ready. It later turned out that lots of people had had the same problem. It wasn't me!

That first week I gave three lectures in which I explained how the module they were part of were working. Outlining what the assessments were, and how we will deliver the lectures, et cetera. I didn't talk on awful lot of actual science that first week! And I didn't yet get to see my tutees. For some reason, they want us to start that in the second week.

The first week is now over. The second week will be relatively busy! Much more science, and also a full day field trip. And, of course, the first official session with my tutees. It's rolling now! And it won't stop rolling until Christmas…

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