09 December 2013

Storm damage repaired!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It seems. What the storm damages will be improved on! I had already noticed my bike roof needed some improvements; the plastic was attached to the wood in too few places which put too much strain on these parts of the plastic, and it flapped in the wind which caused quite a racket. So now the storm had moved dealing with that up the to do list I made version 2.0: with a rope weaving its way through all undulations, and with added scourers as noise mitigators! I think it's more spiffing than ever before, in spite of the damage to the plastic sheets...

New and improved!


Margot said...

Well yes it's bollocks. What about: "substantial damage inspires repair efforts more than small damage"? I could see that work for bike roofs and people alike...

De TV-psycholoog said...

Yes, that'll do