29 May 2024

Cat sitter found

A pet ties you to your home. I do travel, but never very long, and I always feel bad about leaving the cat behind. The neighbour is always willing to come in and feed her, and I know they also snuggle, but it’s not the same as someone actually living there. 

When I knew I would travel for longer, I sorted out an account on a pet sitter website, and logged my trip. And soon I had an application! A lady called Sheryl from a bit further east was interested. We spoke on the phone, and she sounded like a good’un, so I accepted her as my cat sitter. 

My cat is afraid of a lot, but not of people, as long as they don’t make too much noise. The installers of my IR panels were deemed scary, but other visitors get the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure Sheryl will get a warm welcome! 

I will sure miss my little cat, but I will not worry about her when I leave. I hope this arrangement will turn out fine for all involved! And then I can do it more often. I have a travel wish for next summer. And I think I’ll sometimes travel to the Netherlands by boat, which takes longer but is more relaxed than by train, and also book a cat sitter. I will have to clean and tidy a bit before I leave, but well, I suppose that’s a good motivator to do that for a change. And I’m sure Sheryl will enjoy the river views from my garden! 

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