14 June 2020

Back to Bangor

You must have noticed, we can meet people again! And not only friends but also people we have a more professional relationship with. Such as Welsh tutors. I had seen Jenny only on a screen since early March. We're not really screen people! And she has to go to the main campus from time to time. So I figured we could meet in person. I could just bike to Bangor (skipping my run as you can't keep pouring time into exercise) and chat with her on the grass somewhere. And she offered me leek! She is a deft grower of vegetables and she knows I'm only a beginner. I've had beans from her before! And a leek, which so far I have been unable to grow, would be the cherry on the cake. So we organised it.

On the actual day I was looking a bit skeptically at the weather. It was gusty! And at times very wet. The wet is OK but the wind is a bit of an issue. If you're scooting along on a road bike you don't want strong gusts to come from the side and almost topple you over. But I chanced it! It was the first time since lockdown that my road bike came out. Good to give that thing a spin again! 

It was a bit on the edge; especially right beside the sea I was uncomfortable. But I got there, on time, and Jenny was already waiting. We made sure to sit somewhere sheltered (we found a flight of stairs that did the job) and had our first real meeting in yonks! And she tried a quiz on me she had made for the next day. I didn't do too well.

She had forgot the leek! Oh well. Maybe we can meet in person next week again. We'll see!

Blast from the past; my road bike leaning against the Main Arts building

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