In one way I found I was lucky; nobody had told me that for my glaciology lectures, more hours had been timetabled than I had lectures, and I hadn't bothered to check if the numbers matched. This excess tiumetabling is in order to allow for attendance of conferences or project meetings of that kind of thing. Excellent! First of all: this allows me to indeed attend a project meeting without having a problem with my teaching, but it also means some of the lectures in my diary won't happen. Even the students won't like that as much as I do! I almost have all of the lectures of that series made. And with a few lectures not existing, I might have delivered them all before the time comes I have to start marking all the student essays, field reports, IPCC assignments and whatnot! And that's good; these days I pretty much work at all waking hours except Thursday nights (and the time it takes to do grocery shopping, cooking, eating, laundry and some three short runs per week) and I fear the moment more comes onto my plate. When to do that? There goes the running, underground exploration, and sleeping! Cooking won't help much; my biggest cooking talent is speed... Anyway; watch this space to see how I cope!

What my lectures look like, except for the beard
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