20 March 2013

More pictures from Dovrefjell

Good things come to those who wait! After the Dovrefjell hike I was looking forward to the pictures of the other photographers. And as I described: these had to be delivered to me by snailmail. This was probably due to the university firewall not letting me access the site where the other people had uploaded their files onto. So after almost three weeks they arrived: a rate of ~2kb/sec! But do enjoy this selection. The first picture was taken by Felix, and the rest, I think, is taken by Jytte. And yes I chose a lot on which I feature. So far there hadn't been many of these!

 Dinner in the youth hostel in Dombås

Walking through virgin snow

Dinner in the cold

Morning water-melting duty. Luckily you can drink the walls of the kitchen in a place like this!

Some water for the group, some water for me...


On the move!

Into the void

Striding purposefully

Time for a drink

What about my fashionable goggles?

Lovely atmospheric picture of the hut at dawn

 No, I don't know what's going on here either

Arty view from behind even more orange goggles

 Lieven does wood-chopping duty

Relaxing in the hut

Dinner by candlelight

My attempts at escaping the wind pit of the hut with the pulk

 Group picture at the half-igloo

Pulking away!

Three intrepid explorers

Not-so-well-chosen spot for lunch

 Spiffing evening sky

Having fun with the lunch-focussed dogs

 And a scenic pic from the woods! That's all, folks!

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