26 June 2024

Verdict on the cat sitter

It is a bit weird to trust your house and your cat to complete stranger for a week! But I had faith it would be okay. So what was it like when it really happened?

It did provide some extra travel stress; I had to make sure my house was ready for it while also preparing for my trip. I think I did an OK job; Sheryl the cat sitter gave me full marks in her review of my host performance.

While I was in Finland I got some cat pictures. I really loved the one where the cat is lying snugly in the comfortable chair in the conservatory, and Sheryl's hand is petting her. The cat looked so content!

When I got back the cat seemed quite relaxed. That was exactly what I had been hoping for! She was still glad to see me. And the house was cleaner than it had been when I had left it. Sheryl has gone overboard! It was kind of her, but I also felt a bit guilty.

The washbasin was clean when I left, but I’m sure it wasn’t THIS clean…

Were there any drawbacks? Well, some items were not exactly in the same place as they normally are, but everything was easy to find. The house smelled a bit unusual. I think Sheryl had used some cleaning agent I don't use. But that's so trivial. I really can't complain!

I would really do this again! It feels so much better to know that there is someone to keep your pet company when you are travelling. And there are barely any disadvantages. And I might just contact Sheryl directly if I go away again. I know she's good, I know the cat likes her, and she likes my place. What’s not to like? 

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