13 December 2018

Not going underground with the Yorkies

Every December, the York Caving Club comes to North Wales. The first few times (2014, 2015, 2016) I managed to get out and go underground with them. But last year it didn't work out. My job has become more demanding! And last year I had planned to go have dinner with them on the Friday night and then see what their plans would be. But I had tried to contact them about what time and had failed. I'm not driving to Garreg without knowing it would be worth it! Maybe they would be in some unnamed pub or something. In the end I didn't go, and just worked that evening, and the rest of the weekend. And this year it got barely better.

I had loads of marking on! But I sometimes need some social contact, so I decided that this year, I would manage to see them on the Friday. So after work I drove down, made a bit of a hash of parking somewhere out of they way (it's a tiny hut with very restricted parking, and there would probably be million Yorkies attending) and then walked up in the pitch dark. I walked in and found early birds Matt, Gary and Toby. That was nice! Matt and Gary were working on a game of Scrabble. Very domestic!

Gary was already bored with the game so I stepped in. And while playing we caught up. It was nice to see them! Later two more chaps appeared, one of which (Chuck) I knew. And then later a bunch more: the two Johns, and Jerry and his wife Tegs, and a Scottish lady called Rachel. Now it was really full there! But it was good to see them. And they all wanted to know how the Thursdaynighters' Simon was.

Not too long after the last batch arrived I decided to go home. I was tired and had a long weekend ahead of me! But it was nice to see them. And I told Matt that if he and Gary ever want to come up without the others they are most welcome to my guest bedroom. His eyes lit up when I said that! I think they'll take the offer one day. Would be nice!

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