25 November 2023

PDR 2023

My previous Personal Development Review was in November. I don't like that at all; that's in the middle of term. I prefer to have them in summer, between the academic years. My line manager was promising in spring that would happen. But then it didn't. And I had my PDR this year even deeper into November than last year. 

When the paperwork was done, my main focus was my intention to apply for promotion. The topic has come up on other occasions, and he was aware that I intended to apply, and that I hadn't noticed any support from him in that area before; on the contrary, that in the past he had actively discouraged me. He had denied ever discouraging anyone in that area, so I figured that this year he would basically have to prove that, and voice support for my initiative.

When we actually sat down for the meeting we talked a fair while about teaching. We both agreed it was going generally OK. And he finally also showed appreciation for my Welsh endeavours.

Then we got to the promotion thing. And he indeed said he figured my CV was ripe for the senior lectureship application, and he would support it! He even suggested I write a draft, and that he would give feedback on it. I'll take him up on that. I have a draft version ready to go. The next promotion round turns out to be in January. Results are expected in spring. I will give it a go!

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