07 June 2020

The neighbour repairs my arsenal

I had had to abandon my poisoning the knotweed efforts due to my injector not working anymore! And I had not managed to find out why. I figured it was probably not very complicated but I don't have a very impressive precedent in taking things apart and then managing to put them back together again. So I thought maybe I should just ask him! I'm raising the value of his house when I'm killing knotweed. I'm sure he appreciates that. And he had also mentioned he had got a bit bored due to lockdown. So I asked! And he promised to have a look.

The next morning he already knocked on my door. He had fixed it! And I can't quite start injecting again; the weed needs to flower first. But then I can go on a killing spree again! Hopefully in less discomfort than last year. And the neighbour said he thought I was having success; he figured there really was less knotweed now than last year, and the year before. I hope he's right! I had thought as much myself but was wondering if this was just wishful thinking. Would I manage to sort this with my modest injector? I hope so! And I'm glad I have technical support!

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