29 September 2022

Improvised dinner guest

The PCG was coming to North Wales again! They tend to do that every year, as long as no pandemics get in the way. And I always try to at least join them on one trip. It is good to see these familiar faces again. 

My main partner in crime back in the days, Lionel, had not joined since 2018. But now he suddenly got in touch. He was coming! And he wondered about a particular mine in the area. Did I know how to get into it? And I had never been myself, but I directed him to the website of the caving club that is associated with it. 

Later he contacted me again. Maybe he could pop by for a cup of tea on the way up! I thought that was a good idea. So I made sure to not have too long a working day, and told him to give me an ETA. But I got home without having heard from him. I just started cooking. And that was the moment he phoned me.

He was in Bangor when he phoned, standing in a supermarket, wondering what to buy for dinner. I told him he could just come over and have a dinner with me. And he did! And he did not come empty-handed: he had brought a starter, dessert, and drinks. Very generous!

We first had his starter by the fire, and then went downstairs for dinner. And we had many years to catch up about! I knew we would see more of each other over the weekend; probably one underground trip and one hill walk, but the first wouldn't quite lend itself to lengthy conversations, and the second might not happen as it was rather weather-dependent. So at least we had this in the bag! Maybe this sort of thing will occur more often, as he seems to have revitalised his underground activities after a period with covid restrictions and working on his house. I think he'll be back!

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