02 May 2024

End of Rosemary

The lady I bought my house from was called Rose. It was short for Rosemary. I figured it wasn’t a coincidence there were several rose and rosemary bushes in the garden. I like rosemary, but I’m not so keen on roses. 

I have not gone on a campaign to get rid of any of the roses or rosemaries. I like keeping a tribute to the previous owner in place. But sometimes something happens that makes me reduce the number of rose-related plants anyway. At some point, the big rosebush in the upper garden keeled over in strong wind, and blocked access to the lower garden. So then I had to remove it. A rosemary by the kitchen was donated. 

This spring, the big rosemary bush that stood close to the rosebush I had to cut back, looked really bad. It might be a very old plant! It was about a cubic meter. Maybe it had come to the end of its lifetime. It looked like it was dying.

A sad rosemary bush

It was already an impractical plant. It was sub-horizontal, so its branches were hanging over a lot of both grass and plant bed. So although I mourned the end of a meaningful plant, I did decide the time had come to remove it.

I first took lots of cuttings. I know it isn't necessarily easy to propagate a rosemary, and I also seem to have decided this in the wrong time of the year, but I had very little to lose. And then it got busy; the same stuff that got in the way of my gate repair. But one day, a few weeks after the cuttings, I got executive and took my saw through its trunk. I needn’t have bothered; the wood was rotten, and I could just pull it out of the ground. The upper garden looks really different now! And I’ll have to tidy up what appeared from underneath it. I’ll find time for that these weeks. 

Goodbye, Rosemary! It was good to have known you!

The cat inspects to new situations with the uprooted Rosemary

Gone altogether


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