15 July 2023

Other deadlines down

We had had to submit the details of our modules for the upcoming academic year. But when that was done, more deadlines loomed. One was for the evaluation forms for all of our modules. We have to do that every year. 

The MSCI projects had a deadline too, of course. And then there was Supplementary Assessment Week (SAW). Students who couldn’t do assessments due to illness or a family bereavement or something like that can get another chance that week. Additionally, students who haven’t done well enough to pass the year can try to crank up their results so as to be able to progress or graduate after all. And all my modules had students like that! 

I used to have alternative assignments ready, but this year I had to make quite some changes. Nothing I set should be able to be completed by AI! So it was more work than usual. 

By Thursday morning I had finished the evaluations, sent off the MSCI projects, and got everything ready for SAW. That felt good! The rest of the week was already full, but the week after I would be able to spend some uninterrupted time on big chores like Athena Swan or getting my module websites ready…

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