18 July 2023

Marking boycott: not with us

In late April, I mentioned that the union had called for a marking and assessment boycott. And I mentioned that I wasn't sure how many people would participate in that in our school. And therefore I also had no idea what the effects would be.

By now, graduation has been. All our students got their full grades! So it turned out that nobody in our school was keen on this type of industrial action. It does mean we have not furthered the cause of the union. It also means that we had a whole cohort of satisfied students. What is right? I don't know. But I admit that I marked everything, so I have to accept my part in not supporting the union. And therefore not supporting its quest for better working conditions in this latest round of actions. But also, we didn't contribute to the heartbreaking stories in the newspapers of students losing their visa, or losing out on jobs, or things like that, for reasons of not having their full grades.

How does this story develop? I don't know! Stay tuned…

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