18 July 2022

After the buddleia, now the ivy must die

When I bought the house, there was ivy growing up the wall. I wasn't quite sure what I thought of that. I like a bit of vegetation, but I wasn't sure weather ivy would do damage. And it threatens to obscure my office window. I thought I might have to deal with it, but initially I had too many other things on my mind. And it kept growing in that time. But priorities shifted when I had dealt with the Buddleia.

I was just talking with the neighbour about it, and he warned me that he had seen it was starting to get into the roof. Once it does that, it can damage it! And a damaged roof is most certainly not a joy forever. So that did it. The ivy had to die.

Ivy getting out of hand

Fortunately, it was really easy. It wasn't difficult to pry the stem at the bottom away from the wall, and then saw through it. Some bits I could even just rip out. I made sure to disconnect all the ivy on the wall from its source of food at the bottom. The next step is that I have to actually remove it! That will be a bit of a process as it goes up really high on the wall. But at least I have now made sure the problem won't get worse. And when I have got rid of the stuff, I suppose I should repaint the house! One is never in need of a chore if one owns a house…

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