08 June 2021

Work on the vegetable beds

 I had improved my veg beds by chucking several bags of shop-bought compost, and some home-made stuff, into them and mixing it in. But that only serves a purpose if you then put vegetables in them. And some of my veg had grown big enough! It was ready to go into the big wide world. The first thing that went outside was my peas; the slugs don't like them so they are a safe bet. And the next were my cavolo nero. These might be more to the taste of the slugs! I just had to keep my fingers crossed for them. And I had bought three aubergine plants on the Friday market; these joined the rhubarb in the other downstairs vegetable bed. In the upstairs bed I put kale and carrots. I spread some organic slug pellets and placed some protective metal cages over the small plants. Otherwise the cats will just dig them right out!

With all these vegetables moving out I had space to put some of my seedlings into separate pots. I still have beetroot, kohlrabi, and cabbage still waiting to move out. There still is space there! Would I have a better harvest than last year? Let's hope so!

the upstairs vegetable bed with potatoes, beetroot, kohlrabi, kale, carrots, sage, mint and oregano

the downstairs veg bed with peas, leek and cavolo nero

The cat demonstrating why these protective arches (in this case, over aubergine plants) are there

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