30 March 2020

Welsh in the time of Covid-19

When face-to-face teaching was suspended, that not only meant the teaching I deliver. Also the teaching I consume! That week there was no Welsh class. I did see Jenny but at a respectful distance. But the week after, things were already going digital! We had our Monday class on Skype. I joined using my phone. That was not ideal, but I didn't manage to get Skype working on my computer. It has Skype installed, but it says it's unavailable! Googling what to do about that did not lead to a solution. So next time it will be my phone again. And I can do the class bit, but it ended with a quiz, and that just didn't work. I suppose you need to be on a computer to do that! Oh well. And class had been cut to an hour or so, instead of the usual 2.5. I can imagine!

The second week I also saw Jenny via a screen. She was struggling a bit! She too is expected to work at home but her facilities aren't very good. Let's hope we can keep it going.

There was also an email about extra practice we can do that will be given feedback on. But I suppose that's mainly for those who don't have a job to go to now! I still work full-time so I think that until the marking load abates a bit, doing my weekly homework is enough. There are only so many hours in a day!

The exam I would have in May has, of course, been cancelled. The grade I got for my presentation (which I don't know) has just been put in the fridge for now; it will stay valid until the time that the written exams can be held again and final grades can be calculated. We'll see when that is! And in the meantime; occasionally I find time to read a bit in my (Welsh) book. So albeit at a lower pace, Welsh goes on! 

This is what me in Welsh class looks like these days

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