06 April 2019

Sunday walk

I had bought my house especially as it is so marvellously close to the mountains, but I hadn't enjoyed them much at all recently! But in the first weekend after all the Open Days I saw my chance. I went on Sunday. That was an awkward day for a hike, as the clocks had just changed, so it was extra hard to get up early, but the mountains were patient. I decided to go up the path I had done with Roelof on his first day here, but then make a bit of a loop and come back some other (as yet undefined) way. So I did! But it was very windy and I realised I was still tired from the past week so I decided against making the loop too big. I went past on the southern side of the valley. That was nice! The slopes were gentle and the wind not so bothersome and it was all very relaxed. A nice walk! And soon it will be easter and I can do the bigger loop, around the black Ladders!

Almost-empty valley with horses

The pointy rock I visited with Roelof

View into the side valley

Apple-eating break

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