05 February 2019

Welsh in the workplace: passed!

I had done my exam on a Monday. I had no idea when I would get my results! But the week after I saw Jenny, my Welsh tutor, as usual and she spoke of feedback on my exam. Already? Great! And she mentioned the mark she had already sent me. Eh? No such thing had happened! But she said she already had the full results. I had passed! And she thought I had even earned a distinction. Blimey! But we weren't sure; the tutor who had performed the exam had been quite critical of my formal writing. Welsh is one of those languages where you use entirely different forms of the verbs when you are writing formally. For instance, if you just say something like 'I eat a fish' in everyday Welsh you actually say 'I do eat a fish -Dw i'n bwyta pysgodyn'; you will only conjugate your verbs (other than 'to do') if you're being formal. If you would say the equivalent of 'I eat a fish' (bwytâf bysgodyn) on the street people will find you very strange. I never really use that form! Neither spoken nor written. I have no need to. I like these formal ways but I have no practice in them so I am not surprised I wasn't very good at it. Anyway. So how could I have gained a distinction if my archaic language was so poor? She would check. But she was sure I had passed!

The next day she mailed me. I indeed still had the distinction! Bring on level 7!

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