30 October 2018

Gift that keeps giving

I started eating apples from my own tree in early September. It's almost November and I'm still at it! This is lovely. I tend to walk into the garden early in the morning and pick as many as I want to eat with my lunch. How fresh can your fruit be!

These days, though, I tend to find more apples next to my tree than I can eat during the day. I think the season is coming to an end! But I am sure you can keep apples for a while. I put a basket in a cool part of the house and keep them there. And if it doesn't work I will have to make pies or compote! But this fruit from the garden thing is amazing. I am thinking of buying a walnut tree! That would be a nice addition to the feast.

The tree; of modest height but generous in fruit

One day's harvest

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