28 September 2024

New academic year, new tutees

With the fieldwork out of the way, it was going to be welcome week. There is no teaching during welcome week, but there are activities we are expected to engage in. And the most important one is to meet our new tutees.

The procedure is that all the new students are gathered in the main hall of the university, then they first get the series of brief presentations about things such as employability, Welsh language provision, placement years, and what a senior tutor does, and then the pictures of all the tutors are shown on screen, one by one, with the list of their tutees. What you do then is stand up and wave, and whisk your students off to a convenient place to get to know each other a bit better.

One of the brief talks

I had a group of nine students, and eight of them were present. That is not a bad score! And I took them to the University café. Quite a lot of them hadn't been there before, so I already introduced them to a useful location. And then we had a chat. And I thought it went well! The atmosphere was good, and it felt like a group spirit was being forged. Quite soon they were showing each other their favourite marine animal videos.

The first meeting was successful. I hope that is an indication of how this group will be going the entire year!

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