23 May 2024

Stepping away from plastic tat

Some years ago, during a momentary lapse of reason, I saw one of those things that is meant for hanging small items such as socks and underpants to dry from in a shop. And I liked the concept of being able to basically group all your smalls into one unit, so I bought it. It was, of course, made of cheap plastic, and if you hang your clothes to dry, you tend to hang them in the sun, and that means photodegradation. So one after the other, the clothing pins broke, and then the whole thing collapsed into a pile of shards.

The original product, here shown on Amazon

Undignified end of a household item

As I still liked the concept, I decided I should just continue with that, but with less badly chosen materials. And I decided I could use bamboo, with wooden pegs. And bits of string. The hook and chains that it was all attached to were still functioning, so I reused these. If they give up I can just replace them with durable and biodegradable (at the same time, yes!) equivalents. I suppose I'm ready for a sustainable future with dry pants! 

Remake finished

And in action

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