22 May 2024


I knew that was going to be a gig in the evening. Soon after I got home from my scramble, I could hear a sound check involving bagpipes. That means the gig that night would be Skerryvore, a folk band that had been announced. I had never heard of them, but I understand they are quite big in Scotland. I thought I might pop in later on.

That afternoon I got a message from Kate. Her neighbours actually had tickets for the gig, but couldn't come! And she herself wasn't feeling hundred percent. Was I interested in the tickets? I figured they would otherwise go to waste, so I said yes. I asked Martin, Sue and Dean if they were keen on joining, but they weren't. So after I had my after dinner tea I went to have a look.

I got there just minutes before the band appeared. I had missed the support act, but I was okay with that. And they started well!

It is a big band; somewhere in the back there are a drummer, a bassist and a keyboardist; at the front in the middle is the songwriter who is also guitarist and vocalist, on the side there is a fiddler, and then there are two blokes who keep switching between accordion, whistle and bagpipes. Especially when they are both on bagpipes, it is a right racket! I enjoyed that. And so did the crowd. As It was a crowd. It looked sold out!

I quite liked how they managed to combine the standard band sound with drum, bass and guitar, and then the more folk-associated instrumentation. They blend it well!

I didn't see it all out until the end. I wanted to go to bed! I wanted a productive day the next morning. And I had already been away from the cat most of the day, of course. But it has been fun! And I wish them all the best!

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