30 May 2024

Athena Swan success

We did it! I was just having a day in the office, frantically trying to get everything done that needed to be done before I would leave. I stepped out to just go to the loo or something, and when I got back, I saw two new emails in my mailbox. The first came from AdvanceHE. The subject line was ‘Athena Swan result: Bangor University, School of Ocean Sciences’. And the second came from Alison, who had supported me in the application process. I could see enough of the message in the preview to immediately spot the ‘many congrats’ in her message. It had been successful!

I hadn’t expected the results yet! And neither had Alison. But this was fab news! We have our award, which is valid for five years. All that work in early spring had paid off, and I don’t have to spend the summer on struggling to write an amended version for resubmission. I have enough to do! 

I immediately forwarded it to the Head of School; I was sure he would want to know. And he forwarded it to the rest of the School. And congratulations came flying in. 

I now still have to await the outcome of the other application I submitted; this one for myself. Stay tuned! 

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