25 November 2022

Victorian life ended

I gave in. I admit it! Temperatures had been dropping recently, and it was getting uncomfortably cold in my house. Sometimes I would be walking around, being rather cold, but also knowing there is little point in lighting a fire as I either would be going to bed or leaving the house rather soon. And a home is a place you should be comfortable in. So I caved in, and after some 8 months (with breaks for visits by sisters) I switched the boiler back on.

On again…

My thermostat doesn't seem to be very reliable. Sometimes you set the temperature to 15° (or even 10°  C) and you are too warm. And sometimes you crank it up and pretty much nothing happens. But I try to keep the temperature just warm enough to be comfortable. No need to burn more gas than needed!

I will still use my wood burners to get the temperature in the living room up to a snug level. If I'm not home very much, I can just leave the thermostat in the ‘night’ setting. And the times that I am home on such days, I can just use the old methods to deal with the temperature. But I think I will leave the heating on for at least some level for the rest of the winter. There is a limit to how Spartan I turn out to actually be!

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