04 October 2022

Return to Welsh class

With the start of the new term, it is also the start of new Welsh classes! In summer, I had had a look at what  was on offer. And I picked a course that looked like it had a fair amount of grammar in it. I was noticing my skills were sliding towards the abyss a bit! The course I had done last year I was more conversational. But I sometimes just need to practice the grammatical idiosyncrasies of Welsh.

This course was organised by Northeast Wales. It felt a bit like cheating! But luckily, the big language differences in Wales run north-south, not east-west. And the class would be online, so I didn't have to actually travel to the east. 

It was a big class! And there were some familiar faces. And we did indeed delve into some grammar. We started out with the passive tense. I could really do with brushing that up a bit! So from week one, I was learning things. That first session was difficult though; it was during our field work, and on one of those days where I had had to get up at five in order to be in the field for the early low tide. The second week was the funeral of the Queen so there was no class. I was a bit more awake in the third week!

I think I made the right call with this course! But I sort of expect courses to become face-to-face again in the next academic year. And I actually do look forward to that. It does mean an entire evening away from home, but so be it! 

Unavoidable topic, also in Welsh class

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