My knee cap seemed to be growing a protrusion. I didn’t worry about that too much. I’m middle-aged! Who knows what strange but harmless things the body does this close to 50. But then it started to hurt. I figured maybe I needed to see the GP. And after the Nick Beer race, it also had its own little bruise.
I could see the GP right that Monday. She seemed to think it was just my knee. But I’ve seen it change! This is not just my knee. This is something new.
She said she'd refer me for an x-ray. I feared that would take forever, given the current state of the NHS, but I got a phone call two days later, and was in hospital for the x-ray the day after that. I'm not quite sure how much an x-ray can actually show. But it's something! And in a few days I should get the results from my GP.
I think it's worth it having this checked out. If it is something I need to worry about I'd better find out soon…
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