25 February 2025

Breast cancer screening

I didn't think I was old enough for breast cancer screening yet. I figured they start at 50. But I got the impression they start in the year in which you turn 50 when I got the invitation not very long after having turned 49.

For me it is a no brainer. Breast cancer kills a lot of women every year. And going to a screening might mean they catch the disease early, which makes it a lot more treatable. So with my invitation letter in my pocket I went to the parking lot of one of the big supermarkets in town, where a trailer had been parked.

The slightly gloomy setting

I walked into the smallest, but still functional, reception in the world, and from there I was redirected to a little waiting room. I was also asked to let the next woman in, for whom I had just made space. Through the next door I could hear a lady directing another lady. It sounded quite quick! And then the door opened and the next lady was asked in. And indeed, the procedure was quite quick. Not much later I could hear a goodbye coming through the door, and then the lady came out again to call me in.

I knew the procedure itself would not be pleasant! I don't think anybody enjoys being squeezed to a mush. But the goal justifies the means. And four x-rays later I was putting my clothes on again. And about 15 minutes after I had walked into the trailer, I walked out again.

It will take some four weeks before I get the result. I obviously hope all is clear! And if so, that means that's it for three years. And then I'll come back to do it all again…

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